Send compliant communications to prospects and current clients before and during the Medicare AEP season.
- 6 email templates: 5 for prospecting, and 1 for current client communication
- 3 social media posts: text and images included, making it as easy as copy & paste
- All assets are compliant: reviewed by compliance experts to ensure you're good-to-go
- Topics covered include Medicare Advantage, Part D, and annual reviews so you can send the message that fits your needs
- Available to download as a Word document or Google Doc – we want to ensure all agents get the file in the format they need
Email Template Example
We provide you with the subject line, preview text, and body text – you can format it as needed in your email marketing platform.
Social Media Post Example
Copy and paste the description, modify your contact information, and add the image! There are image sizes available for Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.
Compliance Information
These emails and social media posts are compliant to send before and during AEP and have been cross-checked by compliance officers within the Integrity network.
They do not need to be officially approved by CMS since these materials are considered communications, as defined by the MCMG.
If you plan to send the emails meant for prospects, you must include an opt-out function for the email to be compliant. In other words, you cannot send these emails to non-clients via your personal email.
The emails would need to be sent from an email marketing platform or a CRM with email marketing capabilities, such as MailChimp, AgencyBloc, ActiveCampaign, or HubSpot (there are hundreds out there).
Modifying the AEP Marketing Kit
The email templates and social media posts have been written to be compliant, so modifications may pose problems.
If you want to ensure you are sending out compliant communications, as defined by CMS, you should not modify the copy in the AEP Marketing Kit.
Of course, you may modify your contact information and email signature, but please do not modify the body content. If you'd like to adjust any of the wording, please reach out to us first and confirm that your adjustment will not cause you compliance issues.
Key compliance notes:
- Any time a phone number is mentioned, the reader must understand that when they call, they will reach a licensed sales agent.
- Each email needs disclaimers.
- Each email needs an opt-out or unsubscribe function – you cannot send these emails from your personal email if you are reaching out to prospects. (You can send these to your current clients, however.)
- No absolutes – we must stick to phrases like "there may be" instead of "there are."
- Do not call a $0 premium plan free, and don't refer to any extra benefits as free. Avoid free!
If any of your edits go against these key compliance notes, your email and social posts will not be compliant.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us for compliance help and reassurance.